Attitudes towards Creativity....
Over the course of the semester, my attitudes towards creativity have definitely changed. Beginning this semester, I thought of myself as a “creatively challenged” person. However, after the completion of many assignments and readings, my thoughts and perceptions towards creativity have changed.
I personally enjoyed working on most assignments, however, the one that gave me the most challenge was the online crossword. I often find myself technologically challenged and became extremely frustrated with this assignment. However, after walking away and gathering my thoughts, I was able to complete the task. What a feeling of joy I had once the assignment was completed!
I believe creativity can bring an individual joy and pleasure once they give their mind a chance to wonder. As with the crossword, the feeling of accomplishment is amazing. I look forward to using many of the activities learned this semester in my classroom.
Perseverance is an excellent trait to have! :) I'm glad you're feelings have changed and you were able to work outside of your comfort zone!