Thursday, May 12, 2011

How do we deal with someone who ALWAYS dominates meetings?

Most likely we have all experienced a dominating colleague.  Yes, I am talking about the one who always controls the meetings, does not like to hear others opinions, thinks their ideas are always the BEST, etc….  Is collaboration really taking place in a setting like this?  How can we call this collaboration? defines collaboration as the act of working with one another on a joint activity and something created by working jointly.  Friend and Cook define seven principles of collaboration:  as voluntary, having parity, having mutual goals, sharing responsibility, resources and accountability.  For effective collaboration to take place we must consider the seven principles listed above.  Best results occur when ALL the seven principles come together.  Effective collaboration does not occur when ONE person controls everything. 
One may ask how can we ensure participation among all group members limiting the power from one person. Once a group has been formed, it will be extremely helpful if the group creates expectations and norms for all group members to follow. This will encourage the even distribution of jobs and power among all group members.  Group members should revisit their norms and expectations periodically to ensure successful collaboration.  One helpful suggestion is to have an agenda for every meeting.  This will ensure responsibilities among all group members and allow for group participation of what items to discuss.  Hopefully, this will create equal representation among all group members. 

1 comment:

  1. I find your insight very helpful. Since I have not taught, I haven't thought much about these issues. I'm glad I have a chance to consider them now.
